Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Pin hole cameras

Today we experimented with possibly the purest form of photography, the home-made pin hole camera-can, the device essentially allowed light through a small pin prick in the side of a can.

This light then reacted with the photosensitive paper lining inside the can creating a wide field, sharp 8 second exposure of whatever lay in front of the can.

Here is an unprocessed photograph of my initial outcome.

Here is the same image after some photoshop retouching which hopefully brings it a bit more life.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Whiteboard animation!

Today was the first proper day of the induction and we've spent a couple of hours creating a 10 second whiteboard animation, inspired by pionerring work such as this video from :

What I loved about whiteboard animation was the simplicity of the medium and the underlying principles used to create the work, however I found that extensive practice may be required in order to achieve a smooth and cohesive framerate, as well as a second-by-second storyboard for the events in the animation.

We'll get to see what our compiled work looks like next week hopefully!

And thanks to the miracle of time travel, here is the full reel of everyone's work:

Our part runs from 0:44 to 0:48, it should've run for 10 seconds but I think we got carried away in the content of our animation and ended up neglecting the total number of frames, perhaps a more satisfactory effect could be achieved in future by either adding more intermediate frames, spending more time on the piece, or dropping the framerate from 25FPS down to about 10FPS, as showing the reel at 10FPS should increase the runtime from 4 seconds to 10seconds, which was the original intended runtime.

I'm glad we've done this though, as I once heard that the person who makes no mistakes often makes nothing at all :)
(As we later found in the 'Failing Forward' seminar- Damn I love being right!)

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

My review of a NTU Multimedia graduate

  Whilst browsing the NTU Multimedia alumni list, I came across the work of Philip Howlett.

  I immediately recognised the 'The Second City' flythrough that had captured my imagination during the Multimedia open day exhibition, I found that the outstanding level of finesse and technical ability shown in the work was a great example of how to achieve in the virtual environments aspect of the course.

The Second City from Philip Howlett on Vimeo.

  On his website, Mr. Howlett thanked fellow NTU Multimedia graduate Robert Anthill for his assistance on the after effects on the flythrough video, what I found on Mr. Anthill's website blew my mind.

  Things that particuarly impressed me in the portfolio were the levels of technical skill in multiple facets of media (I guess that's why they call it Multimedia?)
  He showed an ability to express himself in a range of forms, from striking photography, to varied and engaging CGI as well as innovative video.

  The variety and inspirational impact of the work from Mr. Anthill showcases all of the things that I believe I'm going to love about Multimedia once I start the course, as every one of the areas that he has covered in his portfolio holds a great interest for myself.

  Previous to University I studied at John Taylor High School where my Art tutors assisted me in pushing my creative boundaries and honing my artistic skillset.

A sample of my creative work can be found in my portfolio.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Just found this on CGS, interesting stuff!

The Ulrech School of Art has come up with this really amusing animation project, there's some info and you can watch their final outcome after the jump.