Hi all, despite the fact that this post may look like an expletive, it does in fact have great relevance to the graphic design (particuarly within screens) process.
The lovely CRAP stands for these four graphic design principals.
Proximity (I keep thinking 'Position')
The idea is that in order to create work that communicates well with the intended audience, we must bear in mind the four aspects of creating an effective layout in a piece/webpage and thus achieve maximum impact on our audience.
One question I have is that, if these design principals were adhered to, would a satisfactory result be guaranteed 100% of the time?
Futhermore, how do other factors such as colour theory, content and context affect the overall impact of a design, and does CRAP reduce the importance of these?
Finally, how does CRAP explain the one-hit wonders of the design world, and how can it be used to explore past, present and future designs?
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